3.5 inch Touch Screen TFT LCD

  • Ex Tax:$27.11
  • Product Code: 15811
  • Availability: In Stock
480x320, 3.5 inch Touch Screen TFT LCD Designed for Raspberry Pi, 125MHz High-Speed SPI


  • 480x320 hardware resolution
  • Resistive touch control
  • Supports any revision of Raspberry Pi (directly-pluggable)
  • 125MHz High-Speed SPI signal transmission, clear & stable display effect
  • Drivers provided (works with your own Raspbian/Ubuntu/Kali directly)
  • Supports FBCP software driver as well, it is possible to config software resolution and dual-screen display
  • Size perfectly fits the Pi
  • High quality immersion gold surface plating, we make it like a craft
  • Combined with the 50Hz refresh rate Raspberry Pi, allows you to:
    • Watch videos (multi formats like MP4)
    • Play video games (RetroPie, take a bite)
    • Take photos by touching (up to 17 camera modes)
    • Support software keyboard (system interaction without keyboard/mouse)

Key Parameters

LCD Interface SPI
Touch Screen Type Resistive
Touch Screen Controller XPT2046
Colors 65536
Backlight LED
Resolution 480x320 (Pixel)
Aspect Ratio 8:5
Power Consumption TBD
Backlight Current TBD
Operating Temp. (℃) TBD


1, 17 3.3V Power positive (3.3V power input)
2, 4 5V Power positive (5V power input)
3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16 NC NC
6, 9, 14, 20, 25 GND Ground
11 TP_IRQ Touch Panel interrupt, low level while the Touch Panel detects touching
18 LCD_RS Instruction/Data Register selection
19 LCD_SI / TP_SI SPI data input of LCD/Touch Panel
21 TP_SO SPI data output of Touch Panel
22 RST Reset
23 LCD_SCK / TP_SCK SPI clock of LCD/Touch Panel
24 LCD_CS LCD chip selection, low active
26 TP_CS Touch Panel chip selection, low active

External Dimension

Development Resources


Selection Guide

Part NumberResolutionDisplay InterfaceTouch Panel InterfaceFor use withDimension (mm)Touch Panel TypeToughened Glass CoverIPSSoundMulti Systems DisplayMulti Systems TouchPopular Game ConsolesHow you feel
2.8inch RPi LCD (A)320×240I/OI/OPiAs the Pi 3B+Resistive××××××★☆
3.2inch RPi LCD (B)320×240I/OI/OPiAs the Pi 3B+Resistive××××××★★
3.5inch RPi LCD (A)480×320I/OI/OPiAs the Pi 3B+Resistive××××××★★★
3.5inch RPi LCD (B)480×320I/OI/OPiAs the Pi 3B+Resistive×××××★★★
3.5inch RPi LCD (C)480×320I/O ※I/OPiAs the Pi 3B+Resistive××××××★★★
3.5inch HDMI LCD480×320HDMII/OPiAs the Pi 3B+Resistive××★★★★
4inch RPi LCD (A)480×320I/OI/OPi94 × 61Resistive×××××★★★☆
4inch HDMI LCD480×800HDMII/OPi99 × 58Resistive××××★★★★
4.3inch HDMI LCD480×272HDMII/OPi106 × 68Resistive××××××★★★☆
5inch HDMI LCD800×480HDMII/OPi121 × 78Resistive××××××★★★★
5inch HDMI LCD (B)800×480HDMIUSBNot only Pi121 × 76Resistive××××★★★★☆
5inch HDMI LCD (G)800×480HDMIUSBNot only Pi121 × 76Resistive××★★★★☆
5inch HDMI LCD (H)800×480HDMIUSBNot only Pi121 × 76Capacitive××★★★★☆
7inch HDMI LCD1024×600HDMII/OPi165 × 107Resistive×××××★★★★
7inch HDMI LCD (B)800×480HDMIUSBNot only Pi165 × 107Capacitive××××★★★★☆
7inch HDMI LCD (C)1024×600HDMIUSBNot only Pi165 × 107Capacitive×××★★★★★
7inch HDMI LCD (H)1024×600HDMIUSBNot only Pi165 × 107Capacitive★★★★★
10.1inch HDMI LCD1024×600HDMII/OPi235 × 144Resistive×××××★★★★
10.1inch HDMI LCD (B)1280×800HDMIUSBNot only Pi274 × 187Capacitive××★★★★★
10.1inch HDMI LCD (H)1024×600HDMIUSBNot only Pi257 × 162Capacitive×××★★★★☆
11.6inch HDMI LCD (H)1920×1080HDMIUSBNot only Pi285 × 182Capacitive★★★★★
13.3inch HDMI LCD (H)1920×1080HDMIUSBNot only Pi330 × 208Capacitive★★★★★

Note :
Pi 3B+ means Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
If the LCD is intended to play videos, please choose the one with HDMI display interface for better experience.
Display Interface ※: 3.5inch RPi LCD (C) features 125MHz High-Speed SPI, provides higher refresh rate than normal I/O interface.
Toughened Glass Cover ※: the 7inch HDMI LCD (H) (with case) features toughened glass cover, while the 7inch HDMI LCD (H) uses a normal screen cover

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